Monday, 24 December 2007

Gordon Ramsey - the man of my professional dreams!

Gordon Ramsey is a nice Scottish guy!
After a short career of football-player, he became a chef.
And now Gordon Ramsey is a owner of seven restaurants in UK, four in US, another four in the rest of the world, several pubs. He is the author of many cooking books, and TV shows.
A lot of people don't like him too much, because of his strong language.
I think - it's a huge advantage "saying what you really think" directly and honestly, even if it's contain an F word :-).
And I think he is a Great Chef! He makes as simple dishes, so the fancy dishes. And the way he is doing it - very exciting. He is quick and professional!
I just love it!
So, lately we were invited to the our friend's Birthday party to Gordon Ramsey's restaurant in London - Maze .
What can I say!?
It was absolutely delicious. The dishes are small, but very tasty and original. At the end of the evening you don't feel that your stomach is going to blow up. Everything was very good, but one dish was absolutely fantastic - "Coconut panna cotta with black olive caramel, white chocolate granité ". It's a dessert, that we even hadn't ordered.
We got it just as excuse for waiting a long time for our dessert. It was like a play of different tastes in your mouth - cold, soft, sour, sweet - Amazing!
After that evening I admire the man even more!
The title of this post, being more specific - the "professional" world is for my husband :-)
Just kidding :-).

I think the chefs that had an opportunity to work with him are lucky, and I will be lucky too when I'll have a slightly chance to be with him in one kitchen!