Sunday 14 January 2007

Intermediate cuisine.

Intermediate cuisine is the second course in Cuisine trilogy. This course is about different regions of France and their kitchens.
It turned out, that there are 22 French regions, and all of them have their own kitchen. The difference between them is everywhere. It could be in cooking methods, using particular meat, the presentation of the dish and etc. After this course I'll know not only how to cook, I also will learn the geography. My husband always complains that I don't know geography (what could I do, it wasn't my favorite subject in school), so in two month I'll could say where the all regions of France are, one by one :-).
The course had started a week before, and I still didn't organize myself. I forgot my camera every day, and there were very nice dishes to show you, but I promise to show something on my next post. Besides it was very nice to come back to school, to see everyone (students and chefs) after a long vacation. I have to mention that the chefs relation to the students became more respectful, not as to dilettante. We still don't know where all the French regions, but we know something about cooking :-).

There is another interesting fact: as long as I study to cook, my relationship with the computer becomes to be less and less professional. I'm asking my husband "stupid" questions, that I didn't before. I have to say that it's great - to be dummy in computers :-).
Another good thing that happening it's that my parents came to visit us. We didn't see each other for 4 month, and I realized that I don't really want to live away from my family and friends. May be it's very short period and I can't do such a conclusions, as my husband says "We will talk about it next year!".

For now, here some pictures from London. I have an opportunity to travel a little bit, see nice places.

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